
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science


named after N.I. VAVILOV



Academic Council of IOGEN RAN

  1. Misyurin Andrey Vitalievich - Chairman of the Scientific Council, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Acting Director of IOGEN RAN;
  2. Nikolai Kazimirovich Yankovsky - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Scientific Director of IOGen RAN;
  3. Pestov Nikolay Borisovich - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Deputy Director for Scientific Work, IOGen RAN;
  4. Goryacheva Irina Igorevna - Scientific Secretary of the Academic Council, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Scientific Secretary of IOGEN RAN;
  5. Inge-Vechtomov Sergey Georgievich - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Scientific Director of SPbF IOGen RAN;
  6. Lyshev Kasim Anverovich - Academician of RAS, Ph. IOGEN RAN;
  7. Zakharov-Gezekhus Ilya Artemievich - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the IOGen RAN;
  8. Kudryavtsev Alexander Mikhailovich - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of IOGEN RAN;
  9. Vsevolod Yuryevich Makeev - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the IOGen RAN;
  10. Abdeeva Inna Alexandrovna - Ph. IOGEN RAN;
  11. Andreeva Tatiana Vladimirovna - Ph. IOGEN RAN;
  12. Artamonova Irena Igorevna - Ph. IOGEN RAN;
  13. Belopolskaya Olesya Borisovna - Candidate of Biological Sciences, S.S. of IOGEN RAN;
  14. Svetlana Alexandrovna Borinskaya - Ph. IOGEN RAN;
  15. Voylokov Anatoly Vasilyevich - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of Research Department, IOGEN RAN;
  16. Alexey Petrovich Galkin, Ph.D., Director of SPBF IOGEN RAN;
  17. Alexander Konstantinovich Gapponenko - Ph. IOGEN RAN;
  18. Danilenko Valery Nikolaevich - Ph. IOGEN RAN;
  19. Dragovich Alexandra Yuryevna - Ph. IOGEN RAN;
  20. Lev Anatolievich Zhivotovsky - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of Research Department, IOGEN RAN;
  21. Olga Vladimirovna Zhukova - Ph. IOGEN RAN;
  22. Kiselev Sergey Lvovich - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Researcher, IOGEN RAN;
  23. Andrey Kozlovich - Ph. IOGEN RAN;
  24. Komarova Tatiana Valeryevna - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of the Laboratory, IOGEN RAN;
  25. Dmitry Mukha - Ph. IOGEN RAN;
  26. Odintsova Tatiana Igorevna - Ph. IOGEN RAN;
  27. Dmitry Vladislavovich Politov - Ph. IOGEN RAN;
  28. Pukhalsky Vitaly Anatolievich - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Chief Researcher, IOGEN RAN;
  29. Rubanovich Aleksandr Vladimirovich Rubanovich - Doctor of Biological Sciences, S.Sc. of IOGEN RAN;
  30. Stepchenkova Elena Igorevna - Ph. IOGEN RAN;
  31. Stolpovsky Yuri Anatolievich - Doctor of Biological Sciences, S.Sc. of IOGEN RAN;
  32. Shevelev Alexey Borisovich - Ph. IOGEN RAN.

Announcements and news

Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science


named after N.I. VAVILOV


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