To assist the applicant for a degree
1. "Regulations on the Council for the Defense of Dissertations for the Degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the Degree of Doctor of Sciences". Approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 10, 2017, No. 1093
Application 1. Recommended sample application to the dissertation defense council
Application 2. Recommended sample of the thesis title page
Application 3. Recommended sample of the cover and back side of the cover of the author's abstract
Application 4. Recommended sample of the dissertation council's conclusion
2. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the Procedure for Awarding Academic Degrees" (together with the "Regulations on the awarding of scientific degrees") dated September 24, 2013 No. 842 (ed. 28.08.2017)
3. Passport of specialty: 03.02.07 Genetics
● List and samples of documents required for preliminary review of the dissertation.
1. Statement of the applicant to the chairperson of the dissertation council (1 copy);
2. duly certified copy of the document of the state sample of higher professional education (2 copies):
- for the candidate of the degree of Candidate of Sciences (persons educated abroad, including citizens of CIS member states, shall additionally submit copies of the document on recognition and establishment of equivalence on the territory of the Russian Federation of the foreign state document on education, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science);
- duly certified copy of the diploma of candidate of sciences - for the applicant of the academic degree of doctor of sciences (persons who have received an academic degree abroad, including citizens of the CIS member states, additionally submit copies of the document on recognition and establishment of equivalence of the document of a foreign state on academic degrees in the territory of the Russian Federation, issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) (2 copies);
3. Certificate of passing candidate examinations (and certificate of passing an additional examination for applicants who have higher professional education that does not correspond to the branch of science in which the dissertation is prepared) - 2 copies (for an applicant for the degree of candidate of sciences). Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from October 8, 2007 № 274 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 19, 2007 № 10363) approved the programs of candidate examinations in the history and philosophy of science, foreign language and special disciplines. In accordance with paragraph 2 of this order, the results of candidacy examinations taken before the entry into force of this order are considered valid. At the same time, instead of the examination in philosophy, an examination in history and philosophy of science was introduced. It is not possible to offset these disciplines.
4. Conclusion of the organization (manuscript and electronic form), where the thesis was performed or to which the applicant was attached (2 copies). Conclusion (pre-defense at the profile joint seminar of IOGEN RAS), approved by the head of the organization and certified by the seal of the organization. The conclusion should reflect:personal participation of the applicant of the academic degree in obtaining the results stated in the thesis; the degree of reliability of the results of the research conducted by the applicant of the academic degree; novelty and practical significance of the results of the research conducted by the applicant of the academic degree; value of the scientific works of the applicant of thescientific specialty to which the dissertation corresponds; completeness of the dissertation materials presentation in the works published by the candidate of the academic degree - with the indication of the total number of publications of the candidate, publications on the subject of the dissertation, including publications in journals from the VAK list.
5. Dissertation for preliminary review (manuscript and electronic version PDF).The full text of the dissertation is placed on the Institute's website in the information-telecommunication network "Internet" before submission of documents.Technical requirements - recommendations for placing the thesis and other documents on the Internet: information in the unified information system shall be submitted and placed in *.pdf format with a recognized layer with the surname of the degree candidate in the file name and shall coincide with the corresponding electronic copies of the documents placed on the official website of the Institute in the information-telecommunication network "Internet".
The application for the placement of the thesis in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" must contain the consent of the subject of personal data to the automated processing of personal data, indicating the surname, first name, patronymic of the subject of personal data, as well as the consent expressed in writing or in the form of an electronic document of the applicant for an academic degree to place his thesis in the unified information system.
The text of the dissertation (as well as technical corrections in it) is not subject to change after its posting on the Institute's website.
6. author's abstract (manuscript and electronic form);
The volume of the dissertation abstract for the degree of Candidate of Sciences is up to 16 pages (1 printed sheet), Doctor of Sciences - up to 32 pages (2 printed sheets). The numbering of the pages of the abstract begins with the title page. The original layout must be signed on the back of the title page by the Academic Secretary of the Dissertation Council (see Appendix 3. Cover and back side of the cover of the abstract).
7. List of published scientific works on the subject of the thesis, arranged according to GOST rules, indicating publications in journals from the VAK list ( ).
8. Review of the supervisor of the thesis (manuscript and electronic form, 2 copies), certified by the academic secretary at the place of work with a stamped seal, and published on the Institute's website on the Internet.
9. personal personnel record sheet ( 1 copy).
● The Dissertation Council conducts a preliminary examination of the dissertation.
For this purpose, a commission of 3 experts is appointed, which makes a conclusion on the conformity of the topic and content of the dissertation to the specialty and branch of science, on the completeness of the dissertation materials in the works published by the author, on the fulfillment of the requirements for the publication of the main scientific results. The expert commission; proposes candidates for official opponents and the leading organization, which are sent cover letters of preliminary consent; checks the work on the Anti-Plagiarism program.The use of borrowed material in the dissertation without reference to the author and (or) source of borrowing, the results of scientific works performed by the applicant for a degree in co-authorship, without reference to the co-authors, is grounds for refusal to accept the dissertation for defense.
● The dissertation council accepts the dissertation for defense:
- the date of defense, opponents who have previously agreed in writing to oppose the thesis (2 opponents for the candidate of sciences and 3 opponents for the candidate of doctor of sciences), and the leading organization are appointed;the distribution list of the abstract and placement of its electronic version on the Institute's website and in the unified information system are approved; the expert committee is entrusted to prepare a draft conclusion on the dissertation.The decision of the dissertation council on acceptance or refusal to accept the dissertation for defense shall be posted on the Institute's website.
● Preparation of documents for the defense of the dissertation:
10. mandatory mailing list of the abstract (1 copy).
Mailing of the abstract is made no later than one month before the date of the planned defense. The fact of sending it by mail is marked with a stamp of the post office on the day of mailing. Copies of the abstract for the members of the dissertation council and for the formation of attestation files are given by the applicant to the technical secretary of the Dissertation Council (35 copies for the candidate's dissertation, 40 copies for the doctoral dissertation). The cover sheets of the dissertation and the abstract must be signed by the applicant.
11. Not later than two months before the defense of the candidate's dissertation and three months before the defense of the doctoral dissertation, a copy of the dissertation and 2 copies of the abstract are submitted to the library of IOGEN RAS.
12. Announcement of the dissertation defense and placement of the electronic version of the abstract on the website of the HAC and the Institute is carried out not later than 2 months before the planned date of defense of the candidate dissertation and not later than 3 months for the doctoral dissertation;
13. The dissertation and the abstract are submitted to the opponents and the leading organization no later than 30 days before the defense.
14. Feedback on the thesis (in handwritten and electronic form), sealed with a stamped seal ( 2 copies):
- from the official opponents (the signature of the opponent is certified at the place of work) and the leading organization (approved by the head or deputy head of the organization) are received by the DC not later than 15 days before the defense. The Academic Secretary of the Council registers the reviews. The applicant certifies the fact of familiarization with the reviews by signature and date.
Feedback received on the dissertation and the dissertation abstract shall be posted on the Institute's Internet site no later than 15 days before the day of the dissertation defense. The feedback shall include the surname, first name, patronymic of the person who submitted the feedback on this dissertation (dissertation abstract), postal address, telephone number, e-mail address, name of the organization of which the person is an employee, and position in this organization.
15. Draft conclusion of the dissertation council on the dissertation work (in the number of copies corresponding to the number of members of the council).
16. Stamped post cards (4 pieces). The address of the applicant is indicated on two cards; the address of the Institute is indicated on two cards. On the reverse side of the card the applicant's full name, No. of specialty and academic degree for which he/she is applying are indicated. Post cards are sent with the applicant's attestation documents to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. When the attestation file is registered in the expedition of the Ministry, 2 cards with the assigned registration number and date of registration are filled in and sent to the applicant and the council. After the decision to issue a diploma is made, 2 cards with the number and date of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia are also sent to the applicant and the council.
● Arrangement of documents after the thesis defense.
In case of a positive decision of the Council after the defense of the dissertation, no later than one month after the defense, the certification file of the dissertant must be sent to the SAC. For this purpose it is necessary to collect the following documents (the documents listed in paragraphs 17-22 must be submitted to the DC and electronically):
17. Conclusion Dissertation Council on the awarding of the degree (3 copies).
18. The dissertation is for a doctorate.
19. Reviews: the head, opponents, lead. organization, on the abstract (all in 2 copies).
20. Conclusion of the organization where the work was done (2 copies).
21. Cover letter to VAK, indicating the date the thesis was sent to Rosgosbiblioteka and CITiS.
22. Dissertation abstract (8 exh. cand., 10 exh. doc.).
23. Transcript of the meeting of the dissertation council, signed by the chairman and the scientific secretary of the dissertation council and certified by the seal of the organization under which the dissertation council was established (2 copies).
24. Audio-video recording.
Dissertation Information Card: to be completed on the CITiS website .
Payment for the state registration of a PhD thesis is made in accordance with the following requirements CITiS.
Cover letters on the official letterhead of the Institute (2 copies each) for sending:
- to the Russian State Library - a bound manuscript and an abstract (only for candidates);
- to FGNU "Center for Information Technologies and Systems of Executive Authorities". - unbound copy of the dissertation, abstract, two copies of the information card (ICD), a copy of the receipt of payment for state registration in FGNU CIT&S (both PhD and doctoral candidates).
Address of the Russian State Library: 1, Vozdvizhenka St., Moscow. Dissertation reception time: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: from 10:00 to 16:00, except for the last Monday of each month; Tuesday, Thursday: from 10:00 to 18:00. Phone number for inquiries: +7 (495) 695-90-87.
Defenses are held at the following address: 3 Gubkina St., Moscow, 119991,,
Scientific Secretary of the DC: Goryacheva Irina Igorevna, tel. +7 (499) 135-14-31