
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science


named after N.I. VAVILOV



Research Units:

Department of Population Genetics

Laboratory of population genetics Head — D.V. Politov, Ph.

Human Genetics Laboratory Head - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor O.V. Zhukova

Population Immunogenetics Group Head Researcher - Dr. I.G. Udina


Department of Animal Genetics

Laboratory of Comparative Animal Genetics head. - Dr. B.Sc. Y.A. Stolpovsky

Laboratory of Insect Genetics over. - Ph. I.I. Goryacheva


Department of Plant Genetics

Laboratory of Plant Genetics Head - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences A.M. Kudryavtsev

Laboratory of Genetic Bases of Plant Identification Head - Doctor of Biological Sciences A.Y. Dragovich

Laboratory of Molecular and Genetic Basis of Plant Immunity over. - D., Associate Professor T.I. Odintsova


Genetic Security Division

Laboratory of Ecological Genetics Head - Doctor of Biological Sciences A.V. Rubanovich

Mutagenesis and repair group supervisors. - Dr. B.Sc., Prof. S.K. Abilev


Division of Genomics and Human Genetics

Genome Analysis Laboratory Head. - Dr. B.Sc. S.A. Borinskaya

Laboratory of Evolutionary Genomics

Laboratory of Genomic Geography Head - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor N.K. Yankovsky

Cytogenetics Laboratory Head - PhD, prof. O.L. Kolomyets


Division of Genetic Bases of Biotechnology

Laboratory of Microbial Genetics Head - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Prof. V.N. Danilenko

Laboratory of Genetic Bases of Biodiversity Head - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor D.V. Mukha


Division of Genetic Engineering and Synthetic Biology

Laboratory of functional genomics Head - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor S.A. Bruskin

Laboratory of Genetic Control of Stress Resistance Head - Doctor of Biological Sciences, T.V. Komarova

DNA methylome and transcriptome editing laboratory Head - Doctor of Biological Sciences A.B. Shevelev

Agricultural plant genome editing laboratory Head - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor A.K. Gaponenko


Department of Genetic Basis of Cell Technology

Epigenetics Laboratory over. - Ph. S.L. Kiselev


Systems Biology Division and bioinformatics

Laboratory of Systems Biology and Computational Genetics Head - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.Y. Makeev

Bioinformatics Group Supervisor. - Candidate of Biological Sciences I.I. Artamonova


Selected research and development units

Laboratory of Genetic Problems of Identification Head - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor L.A. Zhyvotovsky

Laboratory of gene neofunctionalization Head - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor A.P. Kozlov

Genetic Polymorphism" CCP of the OBN RAS


CKP "Genetic Collection of Insect Lines and Insect Cell Cultures" at IOGEN RAN Head - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences I.A. Zakharov-Gezehus


Scientific and auxiliary divisions

Office of Graduate Studies D. in Biology O.P. Likhnova

Division of International Scientific Relations

Scientific and Organizational Division Supervisor. - S.V. Garayeva

Laboratory animal service area (vivarium) Head - S.V. Smirnova

Training and Research Center scientific supervisor. - D.B.Sc., Prof. S.K. Abilev

Memorial Museum-Cabinet of N.I. Vavilov n.s. T.B. Avrutskaya

Memorial Museum-Cabinet of Acad. N.P. Dubinin n.s. T.B. Avrutskaya


St. Petersburg Branch of IOGEN RAN

Branch Director - A.P. Galkin

Administrative and management personnel of the branch

Laboratory of Plant Genetics and Biotechnology Head - Doctor of Biological Sciences A.V. Voilokov

Laboratory of genetic modeling of human diseases Head —Dr. A.P. Galkin

Laboratory of Mutagenesis and Genetic Toxicology зав. — к.б.н. Е.И. Степченкова

Laboratory of Plant Genomics

The head of the company is A.A. Penin.


Laboratory of Comparative and Functional Genomics of Regulatory Systems
Headed by M.A. Tutukina.

New lab. soon

Announcements and news

Placement of dissertations for preliminary examination

Андрейчук Юлия Вячеславовна «Исследование влияния амилоидизации белков на стабильность генетического материала у дрожжей Saccharomyces cerevisiae» Научный руководитель:Инге-Вечтомов Сергей Георгиевич, доктор

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On the placement of additional information materials on the mechanism of targeted training and the rules for admission to targeted training

Департамент государственной политики в сфере высшего образования Минобрнауки России направляет дополнительные информационные материалы о механизме целевого обучения и правилах приема

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Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science


named after N.I. VAVILOV


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