Council of Young Scientists of IOGEN RAS
on the Council of Young Scientists of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the N.I. Vavilov Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IOGEN RAS). N.I. Vavilov Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IOGEN RAS)
Introduced by Order No. 41 of 15.10.2012
1. General provisions
1.1 The Council of Young Scientists* of IOGEN RAS (hereinafter referred to as the Council) is established under the Directorate of IOGEN RAS (hereinafter referred to as the Institute)
1.2 The general management of the Council's activity shall be carried out by the Deputy Director of the Institute for scientific work, approved in this capacity by the Director's order.
1.3 The Directorate of the Institute shall provide the necessary financial, material, organizational and technical assistance in the work of the Council.
1.4 The Council shall carry out its activities in contact with the Directorate and the Academic Council of the Institute, which shall assist in its work.
1.5. Совет в своей деятельности руководствуется действующим законодательством РФ, Уставом РАН, Уставом Института, приказами и распоряжениями Директора Института, а также настоящим Положением.
1.6 The Council may have its letterhead, its logo, represent itself on the WEB-site of the Institute.
1.6 The Council may have its letterhead, its logo, represent itself on the WEB-site of the Institute.
2.1 The Council is established to improve the age structure of scientific personnel, to attract and retain talented young people at the Institute, to ensure the scientific and administrative growth of young scientists, to increase the activity of young scientists, to interact with the Council of Young Scientists at the Presidium of the RAS
2.2 The main tasks of the Council are:
to unite young scientists of the Institute and activate their activities to fulfill their goals, acquire new knowledge and integrate their joint scientific activities;
assisting young scientists of the Institute in conducting fundamental and applied research;
Promoting the continuity of knowledge and experience of young people from the leading specialists of the Institute
2.3 The subject matter of the Council's activities shall be:
representation of interests of young scientists in the Institute Directorate, in the Council of Young Scientists under the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in state bodies, public organizations and mass media;
monitoring and analyzing the activities of young scientists of the Institute;
Establishment of information exchange among young scientists and specialists of the Institute: dissemination and exchange of information on printed and electronic sources of professional information, on grants, funds, programs to support young scientists and specialists, conferences, schools, scientific and practical seminars, etc..;
Promoting the organization of conferences of young scientists, scientific schools, seminars;
promoting the involvement of young scientists in the work of the scientific-educational and educational-research centers of the Institute
preparation of proposals for the organization of full access of young scientists to the latest information technologies;
participation in solving social and other problems of young scientists;
promoting financial support for the participation of young scientists in conferences, seminars, symposia, internships, including international ones;
Organization of activities to attract school and university students to carry out scientific work at the Institute. Promotion of popularization of science;
to contribute to the preservation and recreation of historical as well as the formation of new traditions of the Institute;
organization of sports and cultural leisure activities for young scientists and their families.
З. Rights and responsibilities of the Board
3.1 To fulfill its main tasks, the Council shall have the right:
3.1.1 Freely disseminate information on its activities.
3.1.2 Take initiatives on issues related to various aspects of young scientists and submit the following proposals to the management of the Institute for consideration:
the creation of appropriate conditions for young scientists to perform R&D (support and development of material and technical base; provision of unique and expensive equipment to the centers of collective use; assistance in publishing the results of works; assistance in holding events initiated by the Council; assistance in conducting expeditionary works, etc.);
on organization of cooperation with the Councils of Young Scientists of other RAS Institutes;
on nomination of young scientists for participation in housing programs of the RAS in accordance with the established procedure;
Discusses the scientific and social problems of young scientists;
Hears and discusses proposals of young scientists on various topics and problems.
3.1.3 Request from the management of the Institute data and other materials related to the activities of the Council.
3.2 The Board shall:
to prepare proposals, draft documents and informational and analytical materials for the Directorate and the Academic Council of the Institute on all issues related to the problems of young scientists and the work of the Council;
participate in the preparation and examination of documents related to the problems of young scientists;
hold meetings at least once a quarter.
4. Order of formation of the Council
4.1 The Council is formed by the General Meeting of Young Scientists of IOGEN RAS from the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, representatives of the structural subdivisions of the Institute, one representative from the Trade Union of RAS Employees.
The Chairman of the Council heads the Council and organizes its activities. The Chairman of the Council shall be elected from among the members of the Council at the General Meeting of Young Scientists by open voting by majority of votes.
The Deputy Chairmen and the Scientific Secretary shall be approved at the meeting of the Council from among the members of the Council by open voting by a majority of votes of the members of the Council present.
Candidates to the Council shall be nominated from the structural subdivisions of the Institute by young scientists of these subdivisions, one candidate from each subdivision. Elections to the Council shall be held at the General Meeting of young scientists of the Institute, by open voting, by majority of votes from the number of young scientists present at the Meeting. A representative of the trade union of young scientists shall be included in the Council on the basis of the submission of the Chairman of the Trade Union of the Institute.
The Council of Young Scientists of the Institute is elected for a term of two years and six months
4.2 The composition of the Board shall be approved by the Director.
4.3 The Council shall take decisions at the meeting by a majority vote of the Council members present (a meeting of the Council shall be competent if at least 1/2 of the list of members of the Council is present). The Chairman of the Council shall have a casting vote in the Council in case of a tie. In the absence of the Chairman by decision of the Council, his functions shall be performed by the Deputy Chairman of the Council.
4.4 In case a member of the Council is dismissed from IOGEN RAS in the course of his/her activity or refuses to fulfill the powers of a member of the Council at his/her own will, his/her powers in the Council are automatically terminated from the date of his/her dismissal or from the date of submission of a written application to the Chairman of the Council on refusal to fulfill his/her powers.
4.5 The Council of Young Scientists shall have the right to remove a previously elected person from the Council if he/she fails to fulfill the duties assigned to him/her by the Council for more than six months without a valid reason, as well as the absence of any information about his/her work in the Council for six months, and to initiate the procedure of transferring the powers of such a member of the Council to another person. The decision on removal from the Board shall be taken by a simple majority of votes of those present at the Board meeting with subsequent approval of such decision by the Director of the Institute.
4.6 For the vacant position for the reasons stated in p. p. p. 4.4.-4.5. of these Regulations, at the next meeting of the Council the young scientists of the corresponding structural unit of the Institute shall propose a new candidate to the Council for the remaining term, which shall be approved by the decision of the Council by a simple majority of votes of those present at the meeting of the Council with subsequent approval of such decision by the Director of the Institute.
4.7 The Chairman of the Council has the right to participate in the meetings of the Directorate of the Institute on issues related to the activities of young scientists, as well as to represent the Council in the Academic Council of the Institute. The Chairperson of the Council shall determine the rights and duties of his/her deputies.
4.8 The Council shall carry out its activities on the basis of an annual work plan submitted for approval to the Deputy Director of the Institute for Scientific Work, who carries out the general management of the Council's activities in accordance with paragraph 1.2.
5. Final provisions
5.1 These Regulations, as well as amendments and additions thereto, shall be approved by the Director of the Institute and shall enter into force upon their approval
5.2 Upon expiry of the term of office of the Council, a new Council shall be formed. The previous Council is obliged to organize a General Meeting to elect a new Council within one month after the expiry of the Council's term of office.
* Researchers, postgraduate students and doctoral students of the Russian Academy of Sciences who have not reached the age of 35, as well as doctors of sciences who have not reached the age of 45 are considered young scientists.